• Question: When there is a tsunami, what is the best thing to do?

    Asked by xboxgamerashes1997 to Asif, Laura, Lena, Sean, Viv on 13 Mar 2012.
    • Photo: Lena Ciric

      Lena Ciric answered on 12 Mar 2012:

      The best thing to do it to run to high ground as quickly as you can. Something solid and high like a hill. Depending on the force of the tsunami, a tall building or tower may not survive. And, take as many others with you.

    • Photo: Asif Naseer

      Asif Naseer answered on 12 Mar 2012:

      Update your facebook status …… After following Lena’s advice 🙂

    • Photo: Laura Waters

      Laura Waters answered on 13 Mar 2012:

      and don’t forget Twitter!

    • Photo: Sean Murphy

      Sean Murphy answered on 13 Mar 2012:

      I was in Thailand just after the tsunami hit, and there were signs everywhere pointing to high ground. If you can run to high ground as fast as possible. Otherwise, grab a surfboard and hope for the best!
