• Question: Are the blood brain barrier And the availability of glucose the only reason the brain uses glucose almost exclusively?

    Asked by elliejade to Asif, Laura, Lena, Sean, Viv on 16 Mar 2012.
    • Photo: Sean Murphy

      Sean Murphy answered on 15 Mar 2012:

      Basically yes!The blood–brain barrier (BBB) provides a molecular weight cutoff for any substance trying to gain access to the brain. For instance, lactate and pyruvate have been shown to be sufficient sources of energy for neuronal activity, but they are unable to cross the BBB.

      The brain does not store excess energy and derives almost all of its energy needs from aerobic oxidation of glucose. Therefore, it requires a continuous supply of glucose and oxygen to meet its energy requirements.

    • Photo: Laura Waters

      Laura Waters answered on 16 Mar 2012:

      I have a project where we are trying to mimic the blood brain barrier so we can test how likely it is a drug will get through. Good answer Sean.
